Privacy Policy

When I recieve contact through this websites contact service it is taken that the person(s) have read and understood this form in its entirety.

Why am I collecting this information?

I am collecting this information for the use of contact in the case of employment or other contact contact reasons (according with laws which stand in the Republic of Ireland/EU laws).

What information is collected?

A persons name, email, phone and a message must be entered to make contact.

What will be done with this information?

This information will be used for contact purposes only. This means the information provided may be used to make contact with the person or persons of whom the information was given for. The owner of the website withholds the right not to make contact without reason. In the case of legal issue the owner(s) of the website withhold the right to pass this information onto the relevant legal sources in accordance with Irish and EU law.

Will this information be shared with third parties?

In accordance with EU and Irish law the owner of the website will withhold the information provided from third parties and this information will not be used for anything other then the above reasons. Note: This privacy of information can be broken in the case of legal proceedings in which case the person/persons will be made contact with (more then likely not by the website owner(s) directly or otherwise).

What if this privacy policy changes?

In the case of this policy changing. All information obtained from before the switch will be held to the previous statement. This means from the point of change in the policy all incoming information will be held in the policies current form. From June of 2018 onwards all policy changes will be noted (dates) by the admin. Note: in the unlikely event of an issue in relation to this the admin of the page will make contact with the person/persons in question through the given information for clarification purposes.